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    Prosthesis to those who can not afford them

    Millions of people live without a limb because of financial reasons. We are set to change that.

  • What We Do

    We a are a non profit organisation that provides free prosthesis to people in need. 

    We do this through a platform where you can donate to an individual's cause, a person who needs a prosthesis, but who can not afford to buy one. We use a wide network of volunteers and organisations to reach these people and find out their needs. We can therefore present every individual and story so you choose whom you support.

    If you prefer to pool to the common pot, you can. It is used to cover emergency situations and basic needs related to the projects. We are funded independently and 100% of your donations go to the providing of prosthesis. 

    We combine traditional and 3D printing technology to keep costs low and increase durability and proper fitting of prosthesis. 




  • Who We Are

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    Denisa Udroiu

    Denisa is the visionary behind this platform. She spends her time learning from best practices and tweaking them to make things run smoothly and faster.

    Seeing her Grandma living for many years after a leg amputation, she came accross the problems people face - ill fitting prosthesis, lack of ressources to adjust or repair them, or even to make one.

    In Romania, the country where Denisa is born and raised, social security lags behind, and people are far too often left to struggle on their own. The arrival of 3D printing and increase of open source designs brings hope to millions around the world. Denisa saw an oppportunity to leverage the new technology to bring relief to people, embarking in the new model of the sharing economy.

  • Contact Us!

    Don't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.

  • Give or Share

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    Kep, Cambodgia

    Donate for the replacement of the left leg worn out prosthesis

    In Kep, Cambodgia, Girup has a left leg prosthesis that needs replacement as it is now too old to be safe. 

    Girup is the cook of a community home for children, and she is constantly on her feet.

    Link to the donation, in French https://www.lepotcommun.fr/pot/6nalid19